Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ygraine's Tyger of the East

The scribe chose a calligraphy and illumination motif from 1500 England.  I did the spelling c. 1500 to match.

By Edward the Kyng; by Thyra the Queene.  Wherfor, desyryng effectuously the peas, tranquillite & wele publique of this Lande, it is thought necessarie & behoveful that personnes of notable vertue be honoured as exaumplyres of our Eastern Reaulme; & Wherfor, the excellent & feithfull Ygraine of Kellswood is possessed of greate prudence, justice, noblesse, singuler confidence & excellent vertue; tharfor, with certayne knowlage of the seid Ygraine’s greate merit, we do by these present lettres cause her name to be wryt upon the rolles of the Tygers of the East, & further by these presents do approve, ratyfye & conferm unto the aforseid Ygraine, all & sundrie gifts, graunts, rights & privileges formerly made by us or our predecessors the kyngs and quenes of the East to other personnes so honoured.  Doune upon 27 Septembre in the fourtie-ninth yere of the Societee, first of our reigne, in Bergental.

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