Sunday, June 11, 2017

Lorenzo's OGR Text

Lorenzo's persona is that of an Italian man living in England in the 1590s.  So, with one of my favorite co-conspirators, we created a scroll appropriate for the era.  On my end, that meant spelling appropriate for 1590s English legal documents.

Ioannes and Ro Honig, soverein lord and ladye of the East, with advyce and consent of the estates of parliament presentely convened, considering the princelie dewty which binds us in exampell of our most noble progenitours to imparte to our most loving subiects such honours and dignityes as their meritts and virtuous actes in great servyces and the common good iustly require, to the end that throu their exampell the nobell hearts of our people may be nourished and made whole; and considering the excellense of our subiect Lorenzo Gorla, which has been made knowen to vs by testimonye of persons of good repute; and vnderstanding the continual perseueranse of the said Lorenzos earnestnesse and zeal in the matters of the rapiere; therfoure, we now decree and declare that the sayd Lorenzo be invested with the Ordere of the Golden Rapiere, with all rights, freedoms and priuileges appertayning theretoe, as freely and in the same manner as anye other membre of the Ordere aforenamed.  So done and caused to be done vpon 10 Iune in the fifty-secound year of the Society.

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