Sunday, April 12, 2015

Court Barony for Simon Gwyn

Of all of the people I got to know better working on the triumphant reign of Edward III and Thyra II, Simon is one of my favorites.  I have rarely had a better time on a long drive to an event than when he rode shotgun with me down to K&Q Rapier.   So it was my great pleasure to do a favor for the scribe and bang out a High Middle Ages-style text for his Court Barony.

  +Thyra Eiriksdottir   can you make sure he gets a link to his Barony text here?

Edward, by right of arms King of the East, and Thyra, by agency of the same right the Queen.  To our Dukes, Earls, Barons, Justiciaries, Sheriffs, Provosts, Ministers, and all our Bailiffs and Lieges, greetings.  You should know that we have given and granted in perpetuity, and confirmed by this our present charter, to our good and faithful servant Simon Gwyn the rank, station and honors of a Baron of our Court, and further command, decree and ordain, for ourselves and our successors, that the said Simon shall bear the said rank, station and honors continuously hereafter, without contradiction, delay, or any interference.  So that this gift may be firm and persevere unchanging in perpetuity, we have commended it to writing and have had it reinforced by the protection of our ensigns manual, and if indeed anyone, kings, counts, bishops, judges or other persons should dispute this charter of our gift or its confirmation, unless he make satisfactory amends, he will incur our wrath and be subject to rigorous punishment.  This charter of confirmation was made in the forty-ninth year of the Society upon 11 April, in Black Icorndall.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Simon here, (tried commenting yesterday but the system lost what I typed on my phone.) Third try..........

    **message received**

    Alys, I can't thank you enough. You dedicate so much time to the society I'm truly thankful that some of that time was given for my benefit. Thank you for pulling together this text, it has been enjoyed by all who have read it. I initially heard so little of the text itself in the daze of being called into court and the private time speaking with TRMs, but I specifically remember thinking to settle down and remember the moment....listen to the words....I caught a few and then immediately wondered/hoped if Alys did this...then, catching your eye, you smiled back as if confirming... THAT is what has locked in the memory for me. Thank you.

    Alys, you too have been one of the greatest highlights of participating in this reign. I loved getting to know you as a person and friend one random weekend when you opened your home to some weary travelers. You make an excellent traveling companion and I look forward to more adventures in the future. Please don't be a stranger, my home (and my dog ;) ) are here.
