Sunday, March 29, 2015

Two AoAs from Mudthaw

I did favors for two scribes by putting together the words for AoAs that went out yesterday.  The first is based on a 1232 letter from Joan of Flanders and Ferdinand of Portugal.  It had been docketed for Birka, but rescheduled for Mudthaw.  The one for Kara is based on an 8th cen. Anglo-Saxon charter, with some SCAdian flamboyance added to suit the recipient.

And, contrary to popular perception, they are both quite brief.  :-)

Edward, King of the East, and Thyra, Queen of the East, to all who will view these present letters, greetings.  May all know that, by our royal will and by these our present letters, Tathiel Aidanswife, our faithful, has well and legitimately served the Realm these many years.  In witness of the said Tathiel's good works, we do now award her arms to be held by her in perpetuity.  In testimony of this deed we have caused the present letters to be strengthened by our seals upon 24 January, A.S. 49, in our Barony of Stonemarche.


We, Edward, King of the East, and Thyra the Queen, taking thought for the defense of our Realm, do hereby decree and ordain that the worthy battle-maiden Kára Grímsdóttir shall be and hereby is Awarded Arms to be borne upon the field of battle that her enemies may know her name and tremble before her.  We further decree and ordain that those things that have rightly been granted by us should not be disturbed, but shall be guarded in perpetuity, just as has now been above stated. As the crowning point of this steadfastness of purpose, We have imprinted our signs with our own hand. Executed on the 28th day of March, in year 49 of the Society, in the place that is called Settmour Swamp.

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