Thursday, March 13, 2014

Award texts: Kiena's County Scroll

This was my first attempt at writing an award text in 16th century Scots.  As I find myself working more and more in this language, I wanted to revisit my first efforts.  Scots is a language closely related to English, and in fact is often considered a dialect of English, but it has a parallel and distinct line of descent from Old English.[1]

The source text was taken from Records of the Scottish Parliament to 1707, an invaluable website that has both transcriptions in the original language (generally Latin or Scots) and modern translations of the same documents.  You can toggle back and forth between the modern and the period transcriptions.

For words that I could not find in the original document, I consulted other documents of the same era in the RPS database, and then turned to the Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue on line.

The finished product:

In the pairlament of the excellent and rycht mychty Kyng Kenric and Avelina his queene, held and opynnit in the Baroney of Smokyng Rocks on the fourtene of Apprill in the 46th year of our Societie:

Item, the quhilk day Kenric the kynge and Avelina the queene, with avise of the lordis of counsal, summound Kiena Stiward, who deservit great laudis and praissis for her wyse and worthy regnne over the Kingdome of the Oryent; for quhy it is divisit, statute and ordanit that lettres be direct or all partis of this realme, and all shereffis, stewartis, bailies and thair deputis, and to the provostis, aldermen and bailies of burrowis, and to utheris officiaris of the kingdome, shereffs in that part, chargeing tham to pas to the mercat croces of all burrowis within this realme and thare, be oppin proclamatioun, command and charge all and sindry that the samyn Kiena be here-eft dottit with dignities and privelegeis of a Contas and Layde of the Rose; and forthirmar that she beer by lettres patent thais airmes: Argent, a horse courant and on a chief embattled azure three triquetras argent.

Item, the quihilk day Kenric the kynge and Avelina the queene, with avise of the lordis of counsal, pronunce, determyns & decretis that the beforesaid be declaired in publik placis and recordit in wrytting for perpetuitie.

Thus, on behalf of thameselves and all thair successouris, Kenric the kynge and Avelina the queene confermyt, ratyfeit and approved the mater precedand.    

[1] Dictionary of the Scots Language, A History of Scots to 1707.

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