Thursday, March 26, 2020

Maunche Text for Agnes

Agnes is my Laurel grand-child, and I was delighted to put together a scroll text for her Grant-level arts award.   I'll be even more delighted when the COVID-19 quarantine is over and we get to meet in person!

Margarita, Queen of the East, to her sheriffs and bailies and heralds and officers, greetings. Know that for the correction and speeding-up of law and justice, and for the advantage and peace of the people, we have considered certain things should be decreed and sent to you and our other officers through the kingdom, commanding and firmly charging that you and they publicly proclaim them in your and their jurisdictions.  To wit, upon the 29th day of February in the fifty-four year of the Society, Agnes Marie de Calais shall be and hereby is inducted into the Order of the Manche and endowed with all such rights as are possessed by any other members of the aforesaid Order.  And further, the said Agnes shall be and is hereby granted such arms in metal and color as are appropriate to her new station.  And further, all and singular our subjects shall observe inviolably
this our Royal will and wish.  That this decree, justly and legally done, may remain undisturbed in the future, we have had this document marked with the protection of our ensigns manual for the force of perpetual authority.

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