Friday, January 31, 2014

Award Text: Brunissende's Writ

Here's another text I'm particularly proud of.  It is based on a French-language document written by the King of Scotland in 1304, with additional guidance from contemporaneous French-language sources.

Edward Roi et Thyra Reyne a Brunissende Dragonette de Broceliande, saluz. Nous vous mandoms, fermament enjoignnant en la foy que vous nous devez, que vous soiez a notre cour a la baronie Iron Bog a ce prochain Epiphanie, en totes manieres, pour estre eslevee au ranc de membre de l'Orde du Pellican. Donees le trezime Octobre, l'an de nostre Regne premiere, A.S. 47.

And the English translation, for those whose Middle French is a little rusty:

Edward the King and Thyra the Queen, to Brunissende Dragonette de Broceliande, greetings. We command you, strictly enjoining you, by the faith which you owe us, to be at our Court in the Barony of Iron Bog upon the next 12th Night by all means, to sit vigil for elevation to the Order of the Pelican. Given the 13th October, in the first year of our reign, A.S. 47.

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