Sunday, July 15, 2018

Anastasia's Augmentation of Arms

The spelling is accurate for c. 1510 and the text was inspired by multiple letters of Henry VIII to Cardinal Wolsey thanking him for his service and urging him to take a vacation.   And, of course, there are footnotes.

Brennan the Kyng and Caoilfhionn the Queen to Anastasia Gutane, right trustie, and righte welbelovid wee greete you well.  We recommande you with all owr hart to the peple of the Easte and the Known Worlde, and thanke yow for the grette paynes and labour that yow do dayly take in the bysyness and maters of the Societee.  And we commande, desyre and instruct yow to take summe pastyme and comfort from yowr labour[1], to the intent that yow may longer endure to serve us and our Reaulme.  Surly yow have so substancyally orderyd maters wythyn yowr sphere that lytil or nothyng can be addyd; indede we are well contendyd with what order yow have mayde in all maters to whych yow sett yowr hands, shewinge therbie yowr great love and loyalltie towardes the Crowne and peple of the Easte, which wee accept most thanckfullie from yowr handes.  And further, desyryng, wantynge and wyshyng that the valew, esteeme and tendershippe[2] in whiche yow are beholden be made both perficte and manyfest to all persouns of whateuere estate, Wee have theerfore thoughte it meete and behoveful[3] to give, graunt and bie thees presents lettirs convaye untow yow an Augmentacioun of Armes, with all circumstaunt[4] benefetes, avauntage, profits, pryvyleges and honnours, and we instruct and commaunde our heraulds to attende fourthewyth to þe circumstauncis of the sayd Augmentacioun.  Given under our signet at our mannor of Malagentia the 14th daie of July in the 53rd yere of the Societee.

[1]  Something we have said to Anastaia a lot  :-)

[2] tendershippe = favor, regard, esteem.

[3]  behoveful = requisite, necessary, pertinent, appropriate, proper

[4]  circumstaunt = accompanying

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