Monday, July 6, 2015

Albert Faulke of Sanford's OGR Scroll

For a good 16th cen. English gentleman upon his elevation to the OGR:

We, Darius and Etheldreda, King and Queen of the East, recognizing that we have taken on taken on the loftiest and pre-eminent duties of the realm, and therefore accepting that we should exalt noble men for their honour and the dignity of the state, and to raise them to higher dignities, so that our other subjects, imitating their exemplary virtue, may prepare themselves for like things; and wishing the virtues of royal munificence, liberality and nobility, to shine out to all men; therefore, for his outstanding faithful loyalty, service and obedience, and his surpassing excellence in all matters touching upon the art of the rapier, we do by these our present letters raise our servant Albert Faulke of Sandford to the renown, station and estate of a Companion of the Golden Rapier, with all pertinents, dependencies, rights and annexes associated therewith.  No person at all is allowed to infringe this our royal will, or recklessly dare to make resistance; however if anyone shall dare to attack the above-stated gift and grant, he will incur the perpetual indignation of ourselves and our successors.  As confirmation whereof, we have caused this public instrument to be made by the hand of another person, and signed by our sign and subscription manual, and we do further command and decree that the said instrument shall be proclaimed aloud in our Court at Glenn Linn, upon 4 July in the fiftieth year of the Society.

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