Friday, January 31, 2014

Award text: Fergus Macrae's Baronial Investiture

Another of my personal favorites, done in 16th cen. Scots:

Kenric, kynge of the Oryent, and Avelina our quene, to all guid men to quham the theis present lettrys sall cum, gretings.  Knaw that, in the presens of certane lordis of the thre  Estates of the Realme, publickly gathered for the utilite of the kingdome, and withe the avice of the lordis of our consell, We have chosin Fergus MacRae as Baroun of Carolingia, quha hes acceptit the said office in and upoun him and hes sworne that he sail lelely and trewlie minster in the said office efter his wit, cunnyng and knawlege like as utheris barouns hes done and usit in the said office in tymes bigane, and the kynge and queene and lordis of consell thocht him hable thairfor.

We thairupoune ressavit and admittit the said Fergus to the said chairge and regiment of the said barouny of Carolingia as principall maister thairof, withe all immuniteis, privilegeis, commoditeis and dewiteis belangand to the same, siclyk as ony utheris barounis of the said barowny usit and broukit the same of befoir; and ordanes him to be answerit and obeyit thairin in tyme cuming.

And in signe and takin thairof, in presens of the kyngis majestie and the quenis grace and the lordis forsadis, deliverit to the said Fergus siche merks, sygnes, seles and insignatis as in all tymes heirtofore have bene borne by Barounis of Carolingia.

Maid under testimonye of our grete sele at Carolingia the xii day of May in the fourty-seventh year of the Societe, fyrste of our reygne.

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