Monday, January 9, 2023

Donovan's Laurel Text

 I've been SO BAD about updating.  I continue to write texts, but they've been largely "run of the mill" for me, so I haven't been posting them.  However, I should post the ones that I've been doing that aren't in modern English or using modern English, spellings.  

This one is adapted, at Donovan's request, from the Sloane Manuscript exemplar of the letter sent to someone who joined the London Masters of Defense.  Since Donovan Shinnock was getting a Laurel for his research into historical rapier combat, the source was incredibly fitting.  The spellings are circa 1580s Early Modern English.

Ryouko'jin and Indrakshi, Kynge and Queene of the Easterners, to Our bailies and heralds and officers and Peers of the Reaulm, greetinges. Know that, for the advauntage and pease of the people, We have considered certaine things should be decreed and sent to you and Our other officers through the kingdom, commanding and firmlie charging that you and they proclaym them in your and theyr jurisdictions:

In so much as, having plaied his prize and demonstrated his prouwess in the Arte of Defense, our subject Donovan Shinnock was acclaymed by our blessed auncestors as one of the three auncient Maisters of Defence of the  East;  and In so much as the sayde Donovan has continued to studie the mooste venerable Arte of Defence and has becume learned in various Weapons and the divers manualls and treatises for the practise thereoff; and We are well pleased with the learning, erudition and scholarschip of the said Donovan, and willing and wishing that such erudition be commended in a fittinge and righteous manner, therefore, We do herebye, of our especiall grace, certayn science, and merest motion, give and grant and by these presents conuey unto the saide Donovan the following ryghts and obligations:

Item: The saide Donovan schall be and herebye is invested and endowed with the rank, status and reknowen of a Companione of the Order of the Laurell, to have and hold hereafter all ryghts, priuileges, prerogatives, commodities, jurisdictions, royalties, franchises, and preeminenses attending thereupon.

Item:  As token and signall of his maisterie, the said Donovan schall wear upon his person at all tymes the badge of the Ordere of the Laurell aforenamed.

Item: The saide Donovan shall have license to teache and instructe in anny place within the  dominions of the Knowne Worlde as an hable well-tryed and suffissient man with sich divers weapons as the longsword, sword and buckler, Morris pyke, and rapier and dagger &cetera.

Item: We desyre, charge and command all our subjects to ayde the saide Donovan against all straungers and soch forsworn men as would deceave our true subjects or teach without authoritie or license.

We command and charge alle and sundrie Our subjects whomsoever to readilie aunswer, intende and obeye this our Royall Charter under the paine of treasoun.  Whatsoeuer persons that doe in the contrarie schall be reputed and held as plain opposers of Our authoritie, and shall be punished for that with alle rigour in examplle of others.  So done and caused to be done upon 16 July in the 56th year of the Society.

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