Wednesday, June 16, 2021

A Silver Wheel text

 Riffing on some of the Sawyer Charters for something with an Old English look and feel:

We, Tindal and Alberic, Consuls of the Eastern Empire, took care to commit to writing this our gift and endowment to Thomas of Mountain Freehold, our most faithful and diligent servant, so that our words and deeds should not be negated with the passage of time, either through the lack of care of our successors or through some kind of envy or dishonesty. With the agreement and authorization of our many nobles, We do hereby endow and invest the said Thomas with the Order of the Silver Wheel; and so that no man puffed up by the swellings of pride might attack this gift, neither a king nor a duke nor a princeps nor a prepositus nor persons of any station, We do hereby command, ordain and instruct the said Thomas to wear upon his person the sigil of the Order aforenamed: (Fieldless) A cartwheel argent.  So done and caused to be done in the fifty-sixth year of the Society, first of our reign.

And this is what my clever collaborator, Aurelia Colleoni a'Buccafurno, did with it:

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