Sunday, September 28, 2014

Antonio's Cypher

Brennanus Mediterreanus, semper Augustus, Nobilissimus et Invictus, to all those whom these present letters shall see or shall hear, greetings.  Know ye that we, considering the manifold labors and travails that we have charged our servant Antonio Patrasso to undertake in our name for the greater glory of our person and the Empire; and the said Antonio having so done and so borne such burdens with constancy, faith, honor, fortitude and forbearance; We are therefore moved to bestow upon the said Antonio our Cypher; and we further command that our emblem and signacle so bestowed be borne hereafter upon the said Antonio’s person at all times, the which and singular commandment shall be observed and kept upon pain of deprivation, sequestration of fruits and benefices, suspension and such other coercion as we may deem fitting and just; and this our letter verifying the same we have caused to be marked with our sign manual upon this 27th day of September, in the forty-ninth year of the Society, being the forty-sixth year of the Eastern Empire.

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