Saturday, October 31, 2020

Scroll text based on 10th century Saxon sources

 I don't happen to know to recipient, but I was told he wanted a "Saxon" scroll.  I worked from multiple 10th century Anglo-Saxon charters found through Sawyer's online catalog: 

All things that customarily take place in this world, sometimes somewhat slowly, sometimes rather more quickly, pass from the failing memory of mortals into oblivion, unless they are recorded in written documents. Wherefore, in this charter We, Tindal and Alberic, Consules of the Eastern Kingdom, make known that it is accepted and pleasing and very appropriate that Regnulf of Crakehale shall be and hereby is endowed and invested with the Order of the Silver Brooch, to be held with every appurtenance and to be possessed in perpetuity.  May it be granted that no-one be permitted to set aside this gift unless he should count on being cursed at the very least.  If any kings or principes should audaciously presume to destroy this our gift (which we do not want), may he be cursed unless he should make a worthy atonement because he presumed to act wickedly.  This charter was written in the 55th year of the Society, in indiction thirteen, and was faithfully confirmed and strengthened by our marks.

A Silver Tyger text for the late 14th century

Sorry for the delay on posting this one.  I needed confirmation it had actually gone out.  The original text source is a Scots charter from 1370.  All of the spelling is accurate for 1370-1400 in English.

In þe fifti-fifþe yeer, a-cordynge to þe custome & calculacion of þe Societie, in þe þrettenþe Indictioun[1], in þe court of þe most merueylous & honourable princes Tindal & Alberic, þe sovereyns of þe Estland, þe duks, erls, barouns, kniʒts & oþur persones of þaire roialme attendaunt upon þem; desiren, by þe custome et exsaumple of þaire prodessessours of celebrable memorie, to ʒif laude & heigh renoun to þose men of þe Estland who exhibitt craftynes[2] in þe excercitacioun[3] of armes; and upon þe fulsum & undevyded witnessinge of þe duks, erls, barouns, kniʒts & oþur persones assemblyng þat Damian MacWard explies swiche pruaunce[4] as to ofserueþ[5] reward; þer fore, þe most honourable princes adewed et dewid þe seid Damian wiþ þe Ordre of þe Sylver Tygre, wiþ alle riʒtz, prevelages, lyveresouns[6], vauntages, waynes[7] and benefises þereupon appendauntez[8], so muche as is dewid to anie and alle oþur confrerys[9] of þe fornamned Ordre.  Whiche þings beyng þus ful wrouʒt, þe forsayde merueylous & honourable princes made subscripcion off þeyre owne handes upoun þis wryting of decree for perpetewel & futur memorie, in testymonye of all þe biforesayd. 

[1] Because of COVID, the actual date when the award was going out was uncertain.  Therefore, at the Crown's request, I didn't give the scroll a precise date, but simply used the vaguer dating of the "13th Indiction"

[2]  craftynes = skillfulness

[3]  exercitacioun = practice or drill (in warfare)

[4] pruaunce = prowess

[5]  ofserueþ = deserve

[6]  lyveresouns = allowances of food or drink, stipends

[7]  waynes = profits, advantages, benefits

[8]  appendauntez = appurtenances; things that belong to one as a subsidiary right or possession

[9]  confrerys = fellow members of a brotherhood (or in this case, of an Order)