Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Researcher Word Fame: Judith bas Rabbi Mendel

Judith bas Rabbi Mendel  is another Easterner, living in fact in my own Barony, where she's currently seneschale.   I've had the great pleasure to read and judge many of her research papers and documentation projects over the years.  She has a real flair for research and the willingness to dig deeply into the optics she loves.

Judith's area of research is medieval Jewish life and culture, particularly as it relates to food.  Among other things, Judith has researched

Medieval gefilte fish
Medieval brioche
Raisin wine
Medieval matzah
Medieval challah
Medieval Passover foods

She ran a wonderful event that was a medieval Passover seder, working in all of her then-current state of the art research on the issue.   Her paper on Foods of the Medieval Passover Seder is available on line.

Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to have a blog or a website, but she does have an East Kingdom Wiki Page

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Effing MoD Text :-)

I was delighted to be asked to prepare the words for +Thomas of Effingham 's Order of Defense scroll.  In keeping with his persona, the language is English c.1460-1475.

Bi Iuan the Kinge.  Bi Mathilde the Quene.  For asmuche as oure auncestours off blessid memorie Darius et Eþeldreda ordeyned, proclamed & stablisshed the Order of Deffence with-inne the Est; and for-asmuche as it is nedefull & spedeful[1] for the gode wele of owr Reawme to make & cawse to be maden compayrs of the sayd Order; and for-asmuche as We aperceyueth[2] owr Thomas of Effingham to be a trewe dycyple off the arts of the swyrde, douwty in dedis of armes, and in all waies worshepable[3], auenaunt[4], splendidious[5], and a mervayloust[6] man of the worlde; Therfor, bie this owr present and laufull chartur, we stabull[7] & ordeyn & conferme the forsaide Thomas as a Maister of Deffence, possessing all ryghts and priuyleges as any othur Maister of the Order afor-written, and bering hens-forthward and evirlastyngly arms bi lettres patents in the forme folwyng:  Gules, a bend sinister argent surmounted by a serpent contourny in annulo vorant of its own tail Or all between six crosses crosslet argent.  In witenesse & feyth & affirmacion heroff wee haf subscribed with owr owen handes uppon this charter owr signs manuell. Done at Bergental, uppon Saynte Birstans Daie, 4 Nouembre, in the fifti- secounde ȝere of the Societie.

[1] spedeful = beneficial, profitable, advantageous; also auspicious, favorable

[2]  aperceyueth = aware of, informed of

[3] worshepable = worthy of respect, honorable, estimable

[4]  auenaunt = seemly in appearance or manners, agreeable

[5] splendidious = wonderful, worthy, magnificent

[6]  mervayloust = worthy of admiration, illustrious

[7] stabull = establish

Silver Brooch for Marieta de Charay

Ivan and Matilde, King and Queen, to the dukes, counts, viscounts, barons, justices, peers of the realm, and all others who will see the present writing, future as well as present, greetings.
Forasmuch as Art is the queen of all sciences, whose exercise communicates knowledge to all the generations of the world; and Formasmuch as our dearest servant Marieta de Charay illuminates our realm with pen and ink, embroidery, wood work and metal work; and Whereas the said Marieta’s good works should not go without notice; Therefore, We have given and gifted and confirmed by this our present charter to the said Marieta the Order of the Silver Brooch, with all its appurtenances, freely, wholly, fully, with honor.  And so that this our gift may continue firm and unimpaired in future times, we have reinforced it with the protection of our signs manual.  Dated at Bergental on 4 November in the fifty-second year of the Society.