The original English:
By Kenric the King; by Avelina the Queen. So that those things, which have been piously and prudently disposed by us, not be changed by men in the course of time, but remain stable and strong perpetually, we make known to all in the present and the future, that Tanczos Ilona has well, diligently, honorably and faithfully served our realm of the East. In grateful affirmation thereof, we do hereby give, grant and by the present charter confirm unto the said Ilona admission in to the Order of the Silver Crescent, to have and hold the rights, endowments, easements and privileges of the same as freely and fully as any other member of the aforenamed Order. And we do further give, endow and Grant unto the said Ilona the following Arms: Per pale purpure and argent, six periwinkles, two, two and two, counterchanged. In perpetual memory and inviolable confirmation of this our grant and endowment, we have caused the present page to be written and fortified by the protection of our ensigns manual, and to be read before our court of honest and upright men. Enacted at Southern Regional War Camp in the Barony of Carillion, on the Saturday following the feast of Saint Medard, in the fifty-first year of the Society.
16th century Hungarian translation by Palotzi Marti:
Kenric kyraly w felssege es Avelina kiraly azzon ŏ felsyge. Hogy azon dolgokat, ammelyeket kegiesen es kereol tekintwen elrendeltewnk, maas emberek neh waltoztassak az wdŏ mulasaval, hanem megh maradgianak tartósan ees ereossen az wdeonek vegezteig, ezennel tudatjuk myndenkyuel, ky e sorokat olwassa mosth vaj a yeweben, hogy Tanczos Ilona zorgalmatoson, bechiulletesen, es hwsegesen zolgalia nap keleti byrodalmunkat. Haladassunk ki hirdettese es tudatasa vegett ezen okleuelonkuel beh jkthattiuk Ilonat az Ezwst Sarlo rendbe, es meg eressythetthyuk mynden azval jaro zabadsagat ees kedwezmeniet, melyeket egy forma ereowel ees zabadossagval giakorolhat, mynth minden tarsa az meg newezett rendben.Thowabba az alabbi czymert donatoljuk es adomanniozzuk nekye: biborral es ezwstel hasytoth mezeon keeth ozlopban hat theli zöld vyrag waltakozo zinben. Es hogy a felyol irot donationk eoreok es serthetetlen maraggyon a wylag emlekezeteben ezen zokat bochiatiuk papirosra es meg eressythetthyuk az my kez jegyeunkkel, hogy olwastathattassek uduarunkban igaz es egyenes emberek eleoth. El rendeltetett Carillion mayorunkban a deli warmegek hadi taboraban, Medardus napja wthan walo Zombaton az ewthven egyedik ezthendeoben.