Another great word for use in legal document style texts. Especially stealing that first example from 1425: "Hit it thoght necessarie and behoofful . . . "
bihoveful, bihoeful (adj.)
(a) Helpful, serviceable; expedient, opportune; (b) requisite, necessary; pertinent, relevant; (c) appropriate, proper.
(a) (1425) RParl. 4.277a: Hit is thoght necessarie and behooffull, yat..the Chanceller have commandement to do make Lettres Patentes [etc.]. (1430-1) RParl. 4.371b: Consideryng ye birdon of ye Werre..and howe behoffull yerfore ye Pees were to hit. (1433) RParl. 4.423b: Whether hem thought expedient and behovefull, yat ye Kyng requirid [etc.]. (1436) Will York in Sur.Soc.30 76: Yat she yerof..dispose os hir yinks best and most behufull to hir and to ye hele of my soule. (1439) EEWills 125/2: To be sold by the as hem shall seme that best is, and most meritoire & behouefull. (1440) Proc.Privy C. 5.421: At suche tymes and places as shall be thought unto you convenient & behovefull. (1441-2) Let.Coldingham in Sur.Soc.12 127: I sall than doo in thatt mater as me thyng most profitable and be hovfull. (1443) Reg.Spofford in Cant.Yk.S.23 253: All other occupacions and plesieres that be not behovefull. (1448) in Willis & C.Cambridge 1 355: Behoueful and conuenient for the seruice of the seide chirch. (1449) Let.Hen.VI in Archaeol.40 452: Thei shall entende effectuelly to alle suche thinges as may be thoughte good and behovefulle. (1450) RParl. 5.211a: To the grete hurt of the Kyng and of the lande, and lette of such behovefull usesse. 1454 Ordin.Househ.Hen.VI (Cleo F.5) *15: It is full expedient, byhooffull, and necessarie to..stablish a sadde and substantiall reule in the king's houshold. ?a1475(a1396) * Hilton SP (Hrl 6579) 2.7.68b: Þt confessioun of nouþer nedful to a synner ne behofle. ?c1475 *Cath.Angl.(Add 15562) 11b: Behovefull: oportunus, tempestiuus, tempestus, vtilis.
(b) (1425) Proc.Privy C. 3.171: Hit was thoght mooste behoefull and algate necessarie to þe conservacion of þe saide trewes. ?1435 Lond.Chron.Jul.(Jul B.2) 79: Hit semeth thoo behofull, that the Toure off London shulde have be..vitaylled. (1449) RParl. 5.167a: That your seid besecher may have severally als mony shall be behovefull and necessary to hym to be had. (a1475) Fortescue Gov.E.(LdMisc 593) 120: It is behouefull, that we furst esteme what his..expences bith likely to drawe vnto. c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916) 2/29: As fer as is bihoueful into deuoute lyuyng. c1475(c1445) Pecock Donet (Bod 916) 24/16: How moche is of bihoueful nede to be tau3t and leerned. c1475(c1450) Idley Instr. 1.1190: The hoole wittis fyve Whiche ar behouefull to euery man alyve. c1475(?c1451) Bk.Noblesse (Roy 18.B.22) 58: Behofefulle to the savyng of the ship frome dangers. a1500 Treat.GBattle (Hrl 1706) 421: Hit ys behouefulle that the body be buxome and mylde to the soule..yeff he shalle haue victory off hys enemyes.
(c) (a1382) WBible(1) (Dc 369(1)) Ps.144.15: Thou 3yuest the mete of hem in the behofful [WB(2): couenable; L opportuno] time. a1500 Rolle Mend.L.(Wor F.172) 35: It is for vs behoveful to withold necessarie thynges whereof to live, and lieful it is.